Where do you start when you need to explain complicated subject matter? Most likely, you talk about it… a lot. And talk is good. We like talk. But there are other – sometimes better – ways to communicate complex ideas. In Episode 5 (listen above) of our podcast NibSqueak, released today, Bree describes how her seven year old daughter was able to understand the intricate rules of softball thanks to a simple sketch, and we discuss how you can extend this to the workplace.
So – drawing. Why don’t you use this easy, free, fun, time-honored tool more at work? Well, if you’re like most people, you might be thinking, “I’m just not artistic.” We have some ideas for you in this episode that just may change your mind, or at least nudge you to try a few new things.
In this episode, our good buddy Drew Dernavich joins us to talk about simple drawing techniques that everyone can use. Drew is best known for his work for the New Yorker magazine, where he has contributed over 200 cartoons. Drew also recently wrote and illustrated the hilariously brilliant children’s book “It’s Not Easy Being Number Three” (Henry Holt/Christy Ottaviano Books).
Drew has terrific advice for our listeners and even explains how to create a whole zoo of animals – including the elephant (in the room) – using the alphabet and numbers. Art Director Evan Wondolowski created the short animation below to illustrate this idea. Enjoy Episode 5 and Drew’s book!
NibSqueak is our podcast about using visuals to communicate, collaborate, and work better. For a complete episode list, visit nibsqueak.com.