Collective Next’s long involvement with TED and TEDx includes work scribing the recent TED2015 in Vancouver. You can see most of our TED2015 work here and here. Today we’re presenting three more talks we scribed this year, this time including work from explorers Tamra Carhart and Karyn Detering.

Tony Fadell was one of the inventors of the iPod and went on to found Nest. He talked about what it takes to invent breakthrough new products.

Fadell TED2015 scribing

Nathalie Cabrol talked about how the life we find on other planets (Mars, especially) is likely to be not little green men but microbes.

Cabrol TED2015 scribing

Theaster Gates showed how imagination, beauty, and art can revive downtrodden neighborhoods.

Gates TED2015 scribing


