Illustration by Nicholas Selby
It’s time to say good bye to our fabulous summer intern, Nick Selby, who studies Illustration at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. Nick brought good humor, smarts, solid design chops and fancy Four Square footwork. We wish him great success in his senior year and beyond. Here are NIck’s reflections on his all-to-brief stint with us, in his own words. The illustration above is his, too!
Summer is almost a memory and so is my internship at Collective Next. When I started back in June, what blew me away right from the start was the inviting and welcoming atmosphere and environment. The experience has impressed on me the tremendous importance of both great collaborative space and creative partners.
I was surprised at the team’s willingness to take me seriously, though I was “just an intern” and to engage me in design conversations and real work. Almost immediately, I was invited to join in on one of the larger projects and provide input on design decisions. For me this was a great experience, really learning in the field and learning along the way.
Working in a creative environment is very important to me. At Collective Next, the open office environment is filled with great music that is always playing, people working hard, and art lining the walls. I was very fortunate to experience an industry where art is used every day and the opportunity to work alongside great colleagues in an environment that I truly enjoy.
It’s rare to find a group of enthusiastic and passionate people who care so intensely about their work. Collaborating alongside Art Directors and Designers gave me a very close view into how individuals in these roles think and operate. I honestly have not worked with a more enjoyable, tremendously dedicated and engaging group of people before. I have had a great time here at Collective Next and have learned a great deal working here, while developing a skillset that I will carry into the future.