How is in-person collaboration changing?
Solutions Designers at CN have a unique vantage point on the changing, in-person event landscape. What has stood out to them?
Solutions Designers at CN have a unique vantage point on the changing, in-person event landscape. What has stood out to them?
More and more of us are finding ourselves back “in the room” with our colleagues. How can we make live, in-person events better than they ever were?
Leaders drive culture. They set the tone and pace of their team. They inspire the people they support and provide a beacon for the values that guide them. And they do so whether they’re aware of it or not.
An organization’s culture is driven by its people. And a healthy culture is made up of people that want to be a part of it, that understand their place within the organization.
Values, like culture, can seem slippery and abstract at first glance. What’s important to us as an organization? How do we want to work together? What are the principles and behaviors that we want to foster to do our best work, and to be proud of what we accomplish?
Figuring out what makes up a healthy, productive culture in a workplace is a slippery proposition. Why is it so difficult to foster the kinds of cultures that we aspire to?
Everyone in your organization needs—and wants—to be a part of the larger strategy. How can you get your entire team excited about where your organization is heading?
For the past couple of months, we’ve been exploring challenges faced by the various “layers” that make up organizations. And here’s a fun fact about layers: one of them usually finds itself in the middle of the others, squeezed from above and below.
Finding the right balance as a leader is hard. Every leader wants to push their organization forward while staying in touch with the effort their team expends. But how do you do it?
This external facing website is designed to showcase the culture transformation that Alexion underwent since 2017. The site utilizes an innovative scroll-based animation design, and also featured a cross-team effort that included creative, production, and digital teams.