Our current series on the Aesthetics of Change is sparking new ways of thinking and talking about the power of art to transform us on an individual and collective level. In our Boston office, several Collective Nexters sat down with podcast producer Katherine Gorman to discuss works of art that have had a lasting impact on them personally. In the short “voice postcard” featured below, Renee Piazza, Hamilton Ray, and Erin King talk about site-specific sculpture, photography, metal work, whimsy, empathy, compassion and more.
Take a listen and let us know how these experiences resonate with you.
What works of art have changed your thinking, your work, or your life?
Andy Goldsworthy, “Five Men, Seventeen Days, Fifteen Boulders, One Wall,” 2010
John Dominis, “The Valley of Poverty” LIFE magazine titled, January 1964
David Jokinen, “Untitled”, concrete and steel, 1998