Inspiration comes in many forms.
Sometimes you get in a rut. You feel uninspired or stuck or like maybe you’ve “lost it.” Maybe you’re a little rusty and don’t trust your skills anymore.
Maybe all you need is a little inspiration. I recently got to scribe at a session for with Nathaniel Bellows. My partner in scribing crime has a style that is wildly different from mine. He’s all swirls, and perfectly drawn characters and animals that appear on the board out of nowhere. I’m all lines and words and simple illustrations. We scribed a panel together and in the process of creating something cohesive, I found myself mimicking and borrowing and blatantly stealing bits and pieces of his work.
I felt a rush of inspiration as I headed in to scribe a branding workshop solo. I had a collaborator in my brain as I picked up the pens. I felt myself move from mimicking to making it my own. This is when the act of scribing is at its best. You can feel all your past and present cohorts coming through you and you head into “the zone” and let it all happen.