Earlier this year we had an opportunity to bring graphic recording to a very special event in partnership with our friends at Fidelity Investments. The Fierce Urgency of Now (FUN) event, sponsored by the The Boston Chamber of Commerce sought to energize Boston’s millennials and to elevate the platform of next-generation leaders. The festival’s title is inspired by a famous Dr. Martin Luther King phrase. In “I Have a Dream, Dr. King states: “We have also come to this hallowed spot to remind America of the fierce urgency of now. This is no time…to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.”

As part of FUN, Fidelity hosted a special evening for young people of color. This included a panel discussion where panelists shared their experiences living and working in Boston. The tone was positive, and the attendees seemed inspired by the panelist’s stories. Panelists shared their different perspectives and journeys. Some of the themes to come out of the group were around the importance of representation and mentorship.

Another element of the evening was an interactive story wall that represented many responses to the question “What idea are you most passionate about to make Boston a better place to live, work, and play?” While working on the story wall, we noticed themes emerging. By far, the most common responses to the question were more affordable housing, and greater accessibility (public transportation options).  There were also quite a few responses about community centers and more support for Boston Public Schools.

Bringing our scribing to this special event truly was “FUN”!
